i have a query on .....As the stocks in the list of time series function are in different currencies, what code can be used in a function:
thanks in advance
Thank you for reaching out to us.
To work with currency conversions, it is easier to use the get_data method. The code looks like this:
df, err = ek.get_data( ["VOES.VI","UPM.HE"], [ "TR.PriceClose.Date", "TR.PriceClose","TR.PriceClose.Currency", "TR.PriceClose(curn=USD).Date", "TR.PriceClose(curn=USD)","TR.PriceClose(curn=USD).Currency" ], {"SDate":"2024-08-21","EDate":"2024-08-24","Frq":"D"})df
You can use the Data Item Browser tool to search for fields and parameters that can be used in the get_data method.