Could you please provide some function using the Python LDL's get_history for lots of data, specifically, lots of instruments?
Does this work? If you want to loop it, you can do so similarly to in this question.
import datetime as dtimport pandas as pdimport warningsimport as ldld.open_session()def get_lots_of_history( req_univ: list[str], fields=None,'%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S'), end=( - dt.timedelta(days=7)).strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S'), adjustments=None, count=None, parameters=None, header_type=ld.HeaderType.TITLE, batch_of: int = 50, warns: bool = True, messages: bool = True): err = {'Error': [], 'ErrorUniverse': []} if not warns: warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=FutureWarning, module="") def Chunks(lst, n): """Yield successive n-sized chunks from lst.""" for i in range(0, len(lst), n): yield lst[i:i + n] df_list = [] for i, j in enumerate(Chunks(lst=req_univ, n=batch_of)): if messages: print(f"Batch of {batch_of} requests no. {str(i+1)}/{str(len([i for i in Chunks(req_univ, batch_of)]))} started") try: _df = ld.get_history( universe=j, fields=fields, start=start, end=end, adjustments=adjustments, count=count, parameters=parameters, header_type=header_type) df_list.append(_df) df = pd.concat(df_list, ignore_index=True) except ld.errors.LDError as e: print("There was an error, please note that the following were not added to the df:") # print("LDError:") print(e) err['Error'].append(e) err['ErrorUniverse'].append(j) if messages: print(f"Batch of {batch_of} requests no. {str(i+1)}/{str(len([i for i in Chunks(req_univ, batch_of)]))} ended") return df, err
If you get an error, you can find info about it with `err['Error'][0].__dict__`. The object `err['ErrorUniverse']` will give you all the universe items missed in the call.