I'm requesting static data on several options chain RIC on a range of 10 days.
It takes at least 1 hour to have a result. I will need the static data on the whole history (many years), what is the most efficient way to request the data ?
Example of the code on 10 days:
var extractionRequestStatic = new HistoricalReferenceExtractionRequest()
IdentifierList = SubjectIdentifierList.CreateInstrumentIdentifierList(new []{ "0#TY+", "0#WYW+", "0#TYW+", "0#1VYW+" }.Select(tkr => SubjectIdentifier.CreateInstrumentIdentifier(tkr, IdentifierType.ChainRIC)).ToArray(), new InstrumentValidationOptions()
AllowHistoricalInstruments = true,
AllowInactiveInstruments = true,
}, false),
Condition = new HistoricalReferenceCondition()
ReportDateRangeType = ReportDateRangeType.Range,
QueryStartDate = new DateTimeOffset(DateTime.Today.AddDays(-11)),
QueryEndDate = new DateTimeOffset(DateTime.Today.AddDays(-1))
ContentFieldNames = new[] { "RIC", "Put Call Flag", "Underlying RIC", "Expiration Date", "Strike Price", "Currency Code", "Exercise Style", "Lot Size", "Security Description" }
var extractionResultStatic = ExtractionsContext.ExtractWithNotesAsync(extractionRequestStatic).Result;
var extractedRowsStatic = extractionResultStatic.Contents;