Hi, we need to obtain real-time currency pair exchange rate data from the foreign exchange market through the Real Time SDK API. We have some technical questions and would appreciate assistance. Thank you.
1、Using the emaj consumer \ src \ com \ refinitiv \ ema \ tutorials \ consumer \ tutorials2 example, we can only obtain data for a single currency pair once at a time(such as CNH=). How to set the code to achieve one-time registration and continuously obtain real-time data for multiple currency pairs?
2、After registering the client in a loop, it is possible to continuously obtain data from multiple currency pairs. However, if the real-time data obtained is discontinuous, is it due to continuous registration? What should be done?
3、The message information obtained through the Real Time SDK API is Fid=1010, name=VALUE_TS1, and its data is time, minute, and second, without millisecond data. How to set to obtain millisecond time?
4、Real Time SDK API obtains real-time foreign exchange data, and the difference between Internet and leased line links?