I used to be able to price an IRS like this:
def get_thb_legs(fixed_rate_pct:float=None, floating_spread_bps:float=None, receive_fixed:bool=True, notional_amount:float=100):
fixed_dir, float_dir = ('Received', 'Paid') if receive_fixed else ('Paid', 'Received')
fixed_leg = {
if fixed_rate_pct is not None:
fixed_leg['fixedRatePercent'] = fixed_rate_pct
float_leg = {
if floating_spread_bps is not None:
float_leg['spreadBp'] = floating_spread_bps
return [fixed_leg, float_leg]
return {
'fields': flds,
'universe': [{
'instrumentType': 'Swap',
'instrumentDefinition': {
'instrumentTag': instr_tag,
'startDate': start_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'),
'tenor': tenor,
'legs': legs,
#'settlementCcy': settlement_currency , could not get this to work.
'pricingParameters': {
'valuationDate': valuation_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'),
'discounting_ccy': deal_currency,
'discounting_tenor': 'OIS'
'outputs': ['Data', 'Headers'],
But now I just get errors:
'Invalid market data input for interest rate curve. No curve points could be determined to build discount rate model.'
How can we price THB IRS ?