Hi, i need some help please re: the below query for returning the assets held in a particular fund, but i would like some additional fields…
data, err = ek.get_data('LP65070066',
{'Endnum': '1000'})
if err:
print(f"Error: {err}")
df4 = datadf4
The output of the above provides some data on the overall fund, but I would like to see the data for each underlying asset:
- currency
- maturity date
- security type (equity, swap etc)
- Refinitiv identifier or isin
- original security name (instead of a mapped name)
- counterparty id/name
If i include the above in my query, it returns i.e. isin of the fund, not the underlying individual held asset.
Are these fields available? If so, can you please help update the above query?
Also, the output is netted out - is the data re: mutual funds available un-netted?
Thank you so much