- I am writing a Python script that should take the ISINs of bonds from a CSV file located in the same directory. The task is to load X bonds and plot their YTMs as points on a graph. Bonds with YTMs below certain criteria should be highlighted with a different color. However, the program throws an error because it cannot retrieve data using ISINs and requires RICs, but not every bond has a RIC. How can I solve this issue?
- In addition, the bond portfolio is already set up in Refinitiv using the PAL function. Can I access this portfolio directly and extract the data from there, so I don’t need to keep a separate file with ISINs in the program’s directory?
import eikon as ek
import pandas as pd
import plotly.express as px
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
1. Read the list of bonds from a file.
It is assumed that the file contains a column 'ISIN'.
If your file is named 'bonds.scv', make sure that the name and extension are correct.
bonds_file = 'bonds.csv'bonds_df = pd.read_csv(bonds_file)
isin_list = bonds_df['ISIN'].tolist()
2. Request bond data.
Define the necessary fields. If the field names differ, replace them with the correct ones.
fields = ["TR.YieldToMaturity", "TR.Maturity", "InstrumentName"]
data, err = ek.get_data(isin_list, fields=fields)
if err:
print("Error retrieving data:", err)
df = data.copy()
# 3. Convert the maturity date to datetime format.
df['TR.Maturity'] = pd.to_datetime(df['TR.Maturity'])
# Determine the date of the previous trading session.
# For simplicity, we use yesterday's date here.
prev_date = datetime.now() - timedelta(days=1)
# Calculate the time to maturity in years.
df['TimeToMaturity'] = (df['TR.Maturity'] - prev_date).dt.days / 365.25
# Rename columns for convenience.
df = df.rename(columns={"TR.YieldToMaturity": "YTM",
"InstrumentName": "BondName"})
# Filter bonds with positive time to maturity and available YTM values.
df = df[df['TimeToMaturity'] > 0].dropna(subset=['YTM'])
# 4. Define categories for color-coding the points.
def categorize_ytm(ytm):
if ytm < 4.80:
return "Ниже 4.80%"
elif 4.80 <= ytm <= 5.0:
return "От 4.80 до 5%"
return "Выше 5%"
df['Category'] = df['YTM'].apply(categorize_ytm)
# Define a color map for the categories.
color_map = {
"Ниже 4.80%": "red",
"От 4.80 до 5%": "yellow",
"Выше 5%": "green"
# 5. Build an interactive chart using Plotly.
fig = px.scatter(df,
labels={"TimeToMaturity": "Tenor (years)",
"YTM": "YTM (%)"},
title="YTM on a bond")