I am trying to replicate in the codebook a Screener search for all the Loans in EU27+US in 2024 and retrieve the NACE code of the borrower to then aggregate the loan amount at that level.
There should be some mistake in my formula, as I fail to retrieve any populated value for the fields 'Use of proceeds' and 'Total facility amount'.
I built the formula starting from the Excel formula downloaded from the Screener App.
Here is the code:
criteria = "SCREEN(U(IN(DEALS)/UNV:DEALSLOAN/), BETWEEN(TR.NIIssueDate,20240101,20241231)/dt:Date/, IN(TR.NIIssuerDomicileNation,""US"",""BG"",""HR"",""CZ"",""EE"",""HU"",""LV"",""LT"",""PL"",""RO"",""SK"",""SI"",""AT"",""BE"",""CY"",""DK"",""FI"",""FR"",""DE"",""GR"",""IE"",""IT"",""LU"",""MT"",""NL"",""PT"",""ES"",""SE""), CURN=EUR)"
display = ["TR.NIIssuerPermID","TR.LNDealFacilityId","TR.LNUseOfProceeds(Concat='|')", "TR.LNTotalFacilityAmount(Scale=6)","TR.LNTrancheType","TR.LNTotalFacilityAmount","TR.LNTrancheAmount","TR.NACEClassification"]
df = rd.get_data(criteria, display)
#this part is to retrieve the Nace code of borrowers starting from the PermIDs
ids = df["Issuer/Borrower PermID"]
new_ids = [f'{x}' for x in ids]
new_ids_clean = [x for x in new_ids if x != '<NA>' and x != ""]
df_detail = rd.get_data(new_ids_clean, ['TR.CommonName','TR.CompanyMarketCap(Scale=6)','TR.ExchangeName','TR.TRBCBusinessSector',"TR.NACEClassification"])