In my treasury system, Calypso, I have configured rfa-8.2.3 to stream live market data from LPC server. I have configured 3 users for 3 separate services.
When I run one of the services in the treasury system, I'm getting the error below in the LPC server:
Logging out client ipcSession.7 on socket 23 from source X.X.X.X. Removing secure channel socketId (no session). Reason from client: rsslRead() failed with code -1 and system error 11. Text: </local/jenkins/workspace/RRTLPC/OS/RH8-64/esdk/source/rtsdk/Cpp-C/Eta/Impl/Transport/rsslSocketTransportImpl.c:748> Error:1002 ipcRead() failure. Connection reset by peer
Kindly assist.