Hello Friends,
I 'm migrating Eikon to Workspace and I have some questions on ld.get_history in Codebook.
import lseg.data as ld
import pandas as pd
t1 = ld.get_history(universe="EUR=",start="20250311 00:00:00", end="20250311 05:00:00", interval="1h",fields="BID")
But the result is NOT in line with what I am using in Eikon data API. the coding is like this…
import refinitiv.dataplatform.eikon as ek
t2 = ek.get_timeseries("EUR=",
fields=['TIMESTAMP','CLOSE'],start_date="20250311 00:00:00",end_date="20250311 05:00:00",
interval='hour' )
Actually I'm retriving the same data using different API, and get different result. The difference is one-hour timestamp difference in timestamp if you compare the two results above.
My questions are:
1) Can I still use Eikon API in WS Codebook ( e.g. import refinitiv.dataplatform.eikon as ek) AFTER June 30th 2025 when Eikon product shut down?
2). If not, how can I use LSEG API (eg. import lseg.data as ld) to get the same result with in Eikon API (the second picture)?
I also test in my Workspace excel and the result is exactly the same with Eikon API (the second picture), so I hope the result from CODEBOOK should be in line with what I can get in Workspace excel.
Thanks in advance