Unable to connect using Workspace API since a few days. Was working fine before.
Logs when working:
13:22:27.094 [Info] Library version: 1.0.0-beta5
13:22:27.094 [Info] .Net runtime: 4.0.30319.42000
13:22:27.094 [Info] .Net version: 4.8.9290.0
13:22:27.116 [Info] Successfully loaded the Stream:[internal] configuration database.
13:22:27.153 [Info] No named session defined. Successfully loaded desktop default configuration.
13:22:27.162 [Info] DesktopSession Session State transitioned from Closed to Pending
13:22:27.162 [Info] LSEG state: Pending
13:22:27.162 [Info] Locating proxy port within: C:\Users\Refinitiv\AppData\Roaming/Refinitiv/Data API Proxy/.portInUse
13:22:27.162 [Info] Found port 9000 in file: C:\Users\Refinitiv\AppData\Roaming/Refinitiv/Data API Proxy/.portInUse
13:22:31.352 [Info] ******************** Desktop streaming services -- Discovery Initiated *****************************
13:22:31.366 [Info] Discovered 1 streaming endpoint(s) from service: custom-instruments [http://localhost:9000/api/rdp/streaming/custom-instruments/v1/resource]
13:22:31.380 [Info] API [custom-instruments]: Locating default streaming endpoint based on location: us-east
13:22:31.380 [Info] Set default [custom-instruments] Desktop streaming endpoint: [/api/rdp/streaming/custom-instruments/v1/resource/WebSocket]
13:22:32.246 [Info] Discovered 1 streaming endpoint(s) from service: benchmark [http://localhost:9000/api/rdp/streaming/benchmark/v1/resource]
13:22:32.246 [Info] Discovered 1 streaming endpoint(s) from service: pricing [http://localhost:9000/api/rdp/streaming/pricing/v1/]
13:22:32.246 [Info] API [pricing]: Locating default streaming endpoint based on location: us-east
13:22:32.246 [Info] Set default [pricing] Desktop streaming endpoint: [/api/rdp/streaming/pricing/v1/WebSocket]
13:22:32.246 [Info] API [benchmark]: Locating default streaming endpoint based on location: us-east
13:22:32.246 [Info] Set default [benchmark] Desktop streaming endpoint: [/api/rdp/streaming/benchmark/v1/resource/WebSocket]
13:22:32.303 [Info] Discovered 1 streaming endpoint(s) from service: quantitative-analytics [http://localhost:9000/api/rdp/streaming/quantitative-analytics/beta1/financial-contracts]
13:22:32.303 [Info] Set default [quantitative-analytics] Desktop streaming endpoint: [/api/rdp/streaming/quantitative-analytics/beta1/financial-contracts/WebSocket]
13:22:32.303 [Info] ******************** Desktop streaming services -- Discovery Completed *****************************
13:22:32.303 [Info] LSEG event: SessionAuthenticationSuccess. {
"Contents": "Desktop Session Successfully Authenticated"
13:22:32.303 [Info] DesktopSession Session State transitioned from Pending to Opened
13:22:32.303 [Info] LSEG state: Opened
13:22:32.303 [Info] Desktop Session Successfully Authenticated
Logs now, now working:
06:00:01.117 [Info] Library version: 1.0.0-beta5
06:00:01.117 [Info] .Net runtime: 4.0.30319.42000
06:00:01.117 [Info] .Net version: 4.8.9290.0
06:00:01.142 [Info] Successfully loaded the Stream:[internal] configuration database.
06:00:01.176 [Info] No named session defined. Successfully loaded desktop default configuration.
06:00:01.184 [Info] DesktopSession Session State transitioned from Closed to Pending
06:00:01.184 [Info] LSEG state: Pending
06:00:01.184 [Info] Locating proxy port within: C:\Users\Refinitiv\AppData\Roaming/Refinitiv/Data API Proxy/.portInUse
06:00:01.184 [Info] Found port 9000 in file: C:\Users\Refinitiv\AppData\Roaming/Refinitiv/Data API Proxy/.portInUse
06:00:01.357 [Warn] Desktop Session proxy status request on port: 9000 failed. {
"HTTPStatusCode": 404,
"HTTPReason": "Not Found",
"Contents": "<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html lang=\"en\">\n<head>\n<meta charset=\"utf-8\">\n<title>Error</title>\n</head>\n<body>\n<pre>Cannot GET /api/status</pre>\n</body>\n</html>\n"
06:00:01.357 [Info] LSEG event: SessionAuthenticationFailed. {
"Message": "HTTPStatusCode: 404 (Not Found) - ",
"StatusUrl": "http://localhost:9000/api/status"
06:00:01.357 [Warn] Failed to verify proxy at port: 9000
06:00:01.357 [Info] DesktopSession Session State transitioned from Pending to Closed
06:00:01.357 [Info] LSEG state: Closed
Please help.