All of a sudden Eikon Refresh on Selection or Workbook is not working anymore. Does anybody has the same problem? It started on May 15, 2017.
Resolver not registered: react.asset.discussionTagsAsset
Hi @Nipat Kunvutipongsak
The ticket was raised and a patch was already applied by Reuters.
I do not get anymore "Server side error" message.
Case: 05511303 Server side error in Eikon Excel
Date opened: 2017/05/15
Hi @Anelys
If I understand you correctly, the issue you're reporting is that in Excel when you select a cell containing =TR function and click Refresh Selection button in Thomson Reuters ribbon the function returns an error message. If this is indeed the case you should call Thomson Reuters Helpdesk in your country or use Contact Us capability in Eikon application to raise the issue to Thomson Reuters support, who will be able to diagnose the problem and resolve it. This forum is for developers using Thomson Reuters APIs. If contrary to my interpretation the issue you experience is related to any Thomson Reuters APIs, then could you please elaborate on the description of the issue? Exact replication steps would be most helpful.
Hello @Anelys,
Referring to @Alex Putkov.'s answer, Is it true that the product is Eikon's Excel? Have you escalated this issue to Thomson Reuters Helpdesk already?
Anyway, I've found that they are a several issues regarding "Server side error.", and the resolutions are as follows:
The issue is well known at Reuters as a BUG.
A patch was applied last week.
Permission Problem You need the session.valid permission to do that.