This is a general question with a specific case as example.
Should blank values in fields that normally should not be blank, be considered an error? Should we just ignore the field? Should it be 0 (or equivalent for the data type)?
In my particular case, I have an unspecified event that would normally represent a trade, except for the presence of a quote price & qty field that are blank. The easy solution would be to ignore fields with blank values in this case, but how general is this solution? Should it be a solution only for unspecified events? Any event? Any field? Any data type?
TIMACT (5) 18:18:00:000:000:000
TRDTIM_1 (18) 18:18:00:000:000:000
ACT_TP_1 (270) Þ (2)
SC_ACT_TP1 (280) + (1)
TRDPRC_1 (6) 0.1323
PRIMACT_1 (393) 0.1323
NETCHNG_1 (11) 0.0062
SEC_ACT_1 (275) 0.0062
PRCTCK_1 (14) Þ (1)
ACVOL_1 (32) 1935
PCTCHNG (56) 4.92
NUM_MOVES (77) 1234
ASK (25) <<blank>>
ASKSIZE (31) <<blank>>
TRDVOL_1 (178) 38
SALTIM (379) 18:18:32:000:000:000
SEQNUM (1021) 63235757