Just wondering whether it is possible to set up an OMM Provider, and if so, how?
Thanks @ Umer Nalla.
Hi @josa
The RFA API packages come with a number of Provider examples.
E.g. you have StarterProvider_Interactive and StarterProvider_NonInteractive present in the RFA C++., Java and .NET versions.
The use of each is covered in either the README or package.html files in the sample folders.
However, perhaps the easiest way to get a Provider up and running is to refer to the QuickStart guide found in the Docs folder of RFA Java and C++. This QuickStart provides step by step instructions on how to install, configure and connect a Consumer example to a Provider example.
Thanks @Umer Nalla. The question is, can I create my own provider?
@Umer Nalla, also is it possible to create the Provider without Reuters account? Thanks.
Hi @josa,
Yes - you can. The source code for the above Starter examples demonstrates the basic steps required to implement a Provider.
There are more advanced examples that illustrate some of the more advanced implementation techniques required. e.g. the C++ Provider_Interactive example or the RFA Java AdvancedHybridDemo example.
The Developer guides have further details on differences between Interactive and Non-Interactive Providers and also on how to implement them in code.
If you are new to our APIs and have no strong reason for using RFA, then I would recommend using EMA (Elektron Message API) as you should find implementing a Provider using EMA requires less learning and thereby less coding effort.
You can find an EMA NI Provider tutorials on this website:
Elektron C++ Tutorials
Elektron Java Tutorials
Much of the EMA NI Provider Tutorial content is relevant to Interactive Providers too.
IF you want to publish and consume your own data internally then you don't need a Reuters account. Your Consumer can connect directly to your Provider - as demonstrated with the Quick Start examples.