To create timeseries in 30 minute interval you'd need to retrieve 1 minute bars and summarize them into 30 minute bars.
If you wonder if get_timeseries function accepts other interval type than 'tick', 'daily', ... , the response is no.
thanks a lot!
Thanks ,after i get data via
df1=ek.get_timeseries(s1,fields=["Open","High","Low","Close","Volume"], start_date = "2017-11-13T01:00:00",end_date = "2017-11-13T07:04:05",interval='minute')
Do u have any high effect ways to handle this data into 5mins bar?
I hope there got 5mins, 30mins,hour.....
There's nothing from Thomson Reuters that would facilitate this operation, since Python has very rich capabilities for all kinds of data transformation, summarization and statistical analysis.
This a simple example to extract a 30 minute interval timeseries from a minute interval result:
import eikon as ekfrom datetime import timedeltainterval = 30def ohlcsum(df): return [df['OPEN'][0],df['HIGH'].max(),df['LOW'].min(), df['CLOSE'][-1],int(df['VOLUME'].sum())]data_1min = ek.get_timeseries('PEUP.PA', interval='minute')timestamps=[]result=[]start_slice = data_1min.index[0]while True: end_slice = start_slice + timedelta(minutes=interval-1) interval_slice = data_1min.loc[start_slice : end_slice] try: data = ohlcsum(interval_slice) except IndexError: break timestamps.append(interval_slice.index[-1]) result.append(data) start_slice = start_slice + timedelta(minutes=interval) if start_slice > data_1min.index[-1]: breaklabels = ['OPEN','HIGH','LOW','CLOSE','VOLUME']data_new_interval = pd.DataFrame.from_records(result, index=timestamps, columns=labels)
I don't think u got the right data for 5 min
for every 5 min data, it should be calculated by the following function
def ohlcsum(df): df = df.sort() return { 'Open': df['Open'][0], 'High': df['High'].max(), 'Low': df['Low'].min(), 'Close': df['Close'][-1], 'Volume': df['Volume'].sum() }
Alex, thanks for your answer. Of course You are right since Pyhon has very rich libs for calculation, but my requirement is to get 3000 RICs' 5mins bar in real-time, do you have any efficient way to handle this? thanks again