We are learning Eikon python API. There is get_timeseries function which can only get historical prices and volumes. Is there a python function to get historical fundamental data like EPS and ROE?
Hi @dxu,
You can use the get_data() function and specify a date range to retrieve historical fundamental data. The syntax would look something like:
for example.
Within Eikon, I would highly recommend using the DIB - Data Item Browser to determine the available fields you can use for the instruments you are interested in.
You can use get_data function for this purpose. There's an example at the bottom of Quick Start Guidehttps://developers.thomsonreuters.com/eikon-data-apis/quick-start
I also strongly recommend you check out this tutorial, which talks about metadata discovery, i.e. how to find the field names and parameters you can use to retrieve this or that data.https://developers.thomsonreuters.com/eikon-data-apis/learning?content=14707&type=learning_material_item
Thanks. I can use following code to get historical data. However, there is no date info shown in the result. I tried to use the data item browser to figure out what field I should use to get dates, but could not find it. Could you please help me? thanks.
df, err = ek.get_data(['MSFT.O'], ['TR.EPSMean'],{'SDate':'2015-01-01','EDate':'2018-01-29'})
Please seehttps://community.developers.refinitiv.com/questions/23252/where-can-i-see-how-many-subfields-a-tr-field-has.html
Hi @dkdg73,
For the field list, you can specify the following:
['TR.EPSMean', 'TR.EPSMean.date']