can you post the enum for statusCode of the Audit message?
the documentation unfortunately does not provide more detail then:
Resolver not registered: react.asset.discussionTagsAsset
Hello @Andreas.Neidhart,
Thank you for the clarification.
The statusCode has only one enum value, i.e, COMPLETED. It cannot have any other value and its only applicable for "ScreenCaseAuditDetails". So you would not find "statusCode" present in any other audit event other than screened case audit event.
If the client wants to know if the case has been screened or not, he should call the API "SEQ-8: Retrieve the audit log for a case" and check for the key "actionType" and its value. If the key "actionType" has the value "SCREENED_CASE", it means that the case has been screened.
An excerpt of the response body of the API "Retrieve the audit log for a case" is given below.
{ "id": "0a3687cf-61fc-110b-9893-47000c2402", "objectId": "0a3687d0-61fc-1a893-46a00002148d", "eventDate": "2018-03-22T09:50:42.377Z", "actionedByUserId": "0a387cf-611f-1466-5974000011c2", "actionedByUserName": "Irfan Khan", "note": null, "entityType": "CASE", "actionType": "SCREENED_CASE", "auditEventToDate": null, "details": { "detailsType": "ScreenCaseAuditDetails", "userId": null, "statusCode": "COMPLETED", "screeningState": "INITIAL", "noOfNewResults": 4, "noOfReviewRequiredResults": 0, "noOfExcludedResults": 0, "noOfAutoResolvedResults": 0, "providerTypes": [ "WATCHLIST" ], "caseScreenRequestor": null, "caseSystemId": "0a3687d0-69893-46a00002148d" }
You need to check for the key "actionType" and its value as "Screened Case" in the response body to be sure that the case has been screened. If you do not see the value of "actionType" as Screened Case or if the response of the API "Retrieve the audit log for a case" is empty, it means that the case has not been screened yet.
Let me explain this in a bit more detail.
If the case has not been screened, the response from the API is empty if the user is using the below filter in the request body.
{ "query" : "actionType==SCREENED_CASE;actionedByUserId=={{user-id}};eventDate>2010-01-01T00:00:00Z;eventDate<2020-01-01T00:00:00Z" }
If the case has not been screened and if the user uses the below filter in the response body, the response from the API may not be empty but it never have the actionType value as SCREENED_CASE
In short if the API response has SCREENED_CASE as the actionType value then the value of "statusCode" will always be COMPLETE.
Hello @Andreas.Neidhart ,
Can you elaborate your query so that I can answer this?
I understand you are calling the API "SEQ-8: Retrieve the audit log for a case" which returns a response consisting of collection of audit events and referring to the screenshot attached.
Hi @Irfan.Khan,
yes your understanding is correct. the customer would like to know which statusCodes to expect for which screening state / audit event.
Permission Problem You need the session.valid permission to do that.