First of all thanks for giving Elektron Real Time in Cloud(ERT) which will more useful for many of us in the future.
I've been investigating the Elektron infrastructure and installations etc., for the past 1 Week.
I've 3 major questions to ask.
- Whether my understanding is correct for accessing Elektron via TREP/ADS?
- Does the new ERT_Cloud have inbuild TREP/ADS infrastructure with it?
- ERT_Cloud python example.
1. After researching through many documents provided by TR on Elektron. I have somewhat understood it's logic.
Please correct me if I'm wrong.I'm still in learning stage.
For accessing any Elektron Real-time data, We need to connect them via TREP Network which can be an ADS (Advance Distribution Server)
To install an ADS we need to contact TR Support Team to get the necessary credentials. These ADS will be maintained by us (Client)
2. My Primary goal was to get the Real-time data by using Elektron WebSocket.I've just seen a new release called ERT_Cloud in AWS where we can easily access Elektron WebSocket API (since we are already using AWS).
Here the authentication is totally on Cloud, so we don't need a dedicated ADS to install from our(client) end?
3. In the python example , there are two WebSocket sessions is available one with the condition of hot standby. How will this value be changed during the runtime?