I need to search for a keyword in the filings of multiple companies (example search in Eikon Web below). Is this possible via the Python API? If so, what is the syntax for setting this up in Jupyter Notebook? Thanks.
Resolver not registered: react.asset.discussionTagsAsset
Hi @john.pilbeam - you could try using the NEWS monitor app to generate the queries you want from news - which does include filings. Then use the get_news_headlines API call to gather the list of filings - each of which has a storyID field which you use to request the actual story with a second API call to get_news_story.
df1 = ek.get_news_headlines("Topic:FILING AND R:VFC.N", count=100)for idx, storyId in enumerate(df1['storyId'].values): #for each row in our df dataframe newsText = ek.get_news_story(storyId) #get the news story If newsText: #then do something
You can further narrow down the universe of filings by invoking addition query terms in the news monitor app and then adjusting the query you pass to get_news_headlines API call.
I have an article on this here: https://developers.thomsonreuters.com/article/introduction-news-sentiment-analysis-eikon-data-apis-python-example
@john.pilbeam this is not possible, as the filtering is done on the app level, rather than the API level
Permission Problem You need the session.valid permission to do that.