I have a list of RICs for global stocks, originally from TRTH v1. I want to use the Eikon Python API to pull historical fundamentals data for these RICs. However, some of the companies are active and some are now inactive. I have discovered that Eikon adds a suffix beginning in ^ to inactive stocks. For example, Dell's RIC is DELL.O in TRTH, but in Eikon its RIC is now DELL.O^J13, indicating that Dell went private in October 2013. If I use the historical Dell RIC (DELL.O) in API requests, I get errors for most functions, e.g. get_data fails (even for periods before the company went private). Is it somehow possible to input the historical RICs from TRTH into get_data requests, perhaps using an option/parameter? Failing that, is it possible to programmatically convert the historical RICs to their new Eikon RICs for inactive stocks? I have a long list of companies, so doing this manually would be painful.
Thank you,