I noticed that each CUSIP would map to several RICs. I'm wondering whether each of the RIC for the same CUSIP would return the same amount of historical news. Thanks.
It looks like that, but I would still recommend to use the primary RIC:
tr.get_symbology('037833100', from_symbol_type='CUSIP', to_symbol_type='RIC')
df, e = tr.get_data('037833100@CUSIP', ['TR.PrimaryRIC'])
Note that @CUSIP in the symbol is optional, can reduce ambiguity though.
Thanks. A further question is that if I don't set BestMatch = False, it seems I will lose many matches from CUSIP to RIC. Why is that? And is there a way that I can set the BestMatch = False, but I could still get the Primary RIC? Thanks.
When you set bestMatch=True you only get the best match, which is likely to be the primary RIC for the issue. When you set bestMatch=False you get all RICs mapped to the issue including best match if it's available. The best match is returned as a separate column in the result dataframe and is typically the same RIC as the one at the top of the RICs list.
The symbology used in financial markets is a complicated story. There are many types of symbols identifying various types of things. The mapping between different types of symbols is never perfect. RICs identify quotes (issues with the pricing from a specific source). RICs are mapped to issues. News are tagged to companies. The primary RIC for the issue is not necessarily the primary RIC for the company. This is just a tiny example of complications in symbology mapping. If you tell me what the end goal is that you're looking to accomplish, I may be able to provide some advice.
Thanks. I hope to get as many as possible companies with news and link the news with other financial databases such as CRSP to get the prices and etc..