I would like to retrieve the sums of private equity investment amounts up to a specific date for a large number of companies from Eikon to Excel.
Is there a way to automatize this by using formula builder and companies´ RICs in Excel?
Thank you!
Resolver not registered: react.asset.discussionTagsAsset
@anja.duranovicI'm not sure I fully understand what data you're looking to retrieve. An example of the data you're after and what you're looking to achieve would be most helpful.Alternatively the best resource for help with using Eikon Excel add-in is Refinitiv Helpdesk, which you can reach by either calling the Helpdesk number in your country or by using Contact Us capability in your Eikon application. This forum is targeted at software developers utilizing Refinitiv APIs.
Thank you very much! I will contact the Helpdesk.
Permission Problem You need the session.valid permission to do that.