Resolver not registered: react.asset.discussionTagsAsset
Hi @fbbe5d42-15a3-4e2b-84fd-3aed19b70c4e_deprecated_b0bd3b3b-18e2-47f7-b64b-27fdf87871ca,
If you are still interested in getting the data with Eikon API you may try to get the data from the RICs that we already have. You may navigate to RIC <EU/WEATHER> that is a landing page for the European Weather Service from there you can reach to <EU/WEATHER4> for forecast data. Then to <0#DE-FORECASTS> that contains weather forecasts for Germany and from there you can chose Dusseldorf 1 day ahead <0#DUSSEL-D1>, then you need to narrow down the hour from the available options e.g. <DUSSEL-D1-06> and right here you can get temperature, rainfall, wind speed, wind direction and pressure.
That may look quite cumbersome but is set up in a logical pattern.
RICS = ['DUSSEL-D1-06']fields = ['GN_TX20_12','GN_TX20_14','GN_TX20_16','GN_TX20_17','GN_TX20_18']df,err = ek.get_data(RICS,fields)df
This is how it looks compared with a quote
@fbbe5d42-15a3-4e2b-84fd-3aed19b70c4e_deprecated_b0bd3b3b-18e2-47f7-b64b-27fdf87871ca it is not possible with the Eikon Python API. I have shared this with a PointCarbon contact who will get back to you with more info.
Is there a similar page where I might find RICs for the weather in the USA?
@marcin.bunkowski @Zhenya Kovalyov
I recommend you to contact with your local Refinitiv support that will be able to assist you with your question.
I have found a chain <0#WTHRNA> but the content is not up to date therefore it is worth checking for alternatives.
Permission Problem You need the session.valid permission to do that.