...ates are not allowed to be in the future or more than 150 years in the past
When i am creating a case or requesting a screen for test with these parameter, i am getting invalid date error. But i am passing date as per documentation DATE is a Date in ISO 8601 format excluding Week and Ordinal dates.
What is wrong or how can i fix it?
"secondaryFields": [{ "typeId":"SFCT_1", "value":"MALE" },
{ "typeId":"SFCT_2", "value":"2000-02-25" },
{ "typeId":"SFCT_3", "value":"IND" },
{ "typeId":"SFCT_4", "value":"IND" },
{ "typeId":"SFCT_5", "value":"IND" }],
"entityType": "INDIVIDUAL",
"customFields": [],
"providerTypes": [
"name": "vishwanath kumar"
"cause": "Date of birth secondary field values must be a valid date not containing any time fields. These dates are not allowed to be in the future or more than 150 years in the past."