Consider an individual screening case with Location Country
and Date of Birth. We get back screening results based on that as shown in attachment_1.
It returns all results based on matched Name and for every secondary parameter,
it indicates if ‘MATCHED’ or ‘NOT_MATCHED’ or ‘UNKNOWN’. However, if we screen similar
case in World Check One, it categories results in Unresolved and False
positives. We are not sure how does World Check One resolve cases into False Positive
and Unresolved. We need to know that to build logic in our system that will interpret
initial screening response same way.
It appears that Country is given preference
over date of birth. If there are matching records with country, it shows those
under Unresolved even if Date of birth does not match. But, if there are
matching records with Date of Birth and Country does not match, then it will
show that under False Positive.