is there a way to retrieve the value for the excel api's GRLS function for a time span?
Many thanks,
I assume you're asking about the equivalent to the following Excel formula that uses Datastream add-in
=DSGRID("U:TRI","GRLS#(X,2Y)","Latest Value")
import PyDSWSimport datetime as dtds = PyDSWS.Datastream('your Datastream Child ID', 'your Datastream password')ds.get_data('U:TRI', ['GRLS#(X,2Y)'], date=dt.date.today())
Thanks Alex.
When trying to connect to DSWS, I get the following error when executing line "ds = PyDSWS("....
ConnectionError: HTTPConnectionPool(host='product.datastream.com', port=80): Max retries exceeded with url:
@steffen.fuchsI think it's likely due to your Internet proxy. Try explicitly specifying the proxy as suggested on this thread discussing similar issue.
works. Thanks, Alex