Resolver not registered: react.asset.discussionTagsAsset
Hi @koshiroh.tsukiyama
This forum is moderated by technical staff so I would suggest you to ask content question(what is the field name in this question) to my Refinitiv helpdesk at this URL.
For this question I think you can find the content field by following below steps:
1. click on i (information) on the sheet to get the field name
2. Go to Eikon Search bar, type in DIB (for Data Item Browser)
3. Input instrument 7203.T
4. Follow 4 steps in this picture to get the field name
Note, you can adjust parameter according to your requirement.
5. Now, you can use it in Eikon Data APIs
ek.get_data("7203.T", "TR.COGSActSurprise(Period=FY0)")
from GUI, I can see the numbers ( eg, 7203.T -> Estimate -> statement view -> checking Guidance and select Single contributer, then the numbers appear as company forecaset)
Permission Problem You need the session.valid permission to do that.