Hello, I want to test the operation screeningRequest but i dont know wich a value for {{case-system-id}} i do put it.
Could you help me please ?
Thank you
Thanks for clarifying, you can utilize the synchronous screening API i.e. "SEQ-screen-sync-individual: Perform Synchronous Screening: Individual" to screen using First name and last name, using this method you need not need case-system ID to perform screening, however, you can generate the same post-screening if necessary. Below is a sample request to perform sync screening using first name and last name,
{ "groupId": "{{group-id}}", "entityType": "INDIVIDUAL", "providerTypes": [ "WATCHLIST" ], "name": "Donald Trump", "secondaryFields": []}
I believe you are using the asynchronous screening:
So you will be following the below sequence to screen:
1. Save a case: You will get case Id and the case-system Id in this API response.
2. SEQ-case-retrieve: Get the system ID of a case: You can basically utilize this API call to fetch the missing case-system Id in your screening request, please look into the postman request wherein you can pass the case id and retrieve the corresponding case system Id for the case.
3. SEQ-screen-async: Screen a case: Using the case system Id from the above API you can perform screening operation.
Hope this helps.
Thank for your response
I will explain my need. I want to retrieve the data needed to generate a case report from a first and last name. What is the operation that retrieves this information in sychnrone mode?.
thank you .i have the result now