I'm currently receive market infomation of RICs code: NQU9.
The code I'm using :
Question 1:
The problem is that ask price and bid price that I got is wrong.
such like:
wrong price: 786750
right price: 7867.50
I thought TRD_UNITS is the the decimal locator (wrong price/(10^2)=right price)

But TRD_UNITS changed all the time(not always 2)
So how can I adjust wrong price to the right?
Question 2:
There should be one byte that indicate the bid/ask flag of every price
{ /*ask price*/}
else if((char)flag=='B')
{/*bid price*/}
but for NQU9 I always receive flag 'X' instead of 'A' or 'B'
So how can I get the real bid/ask flag?