And what's difference between `Name.fullName` and `Name.originalScript`?
My apologies for the delay in the response, If you check the API technical documentation you would see that under originalScript is one of the optional fields(string type) that you can utilize while fetching the audit details of migration of names operation which is basically called "MigrationEventAuditDetails" - one of the case details types that you can obtain under the audit functionality of World-Check One API.
Name.fullName is a mandatory field whereas Name.originalScript is an optional field that can be used while fetching the audit details of migration of names.
Please allow me some time to get back to you with a few more details on this.
Appreciate your patience.
Thanks for the answer, I'll be waiting for the details.
There is no difference between the Full name and originalScript they are the same, originalScript is something that is legacy now and was used in older versions and it is not used anymore across our screening products, it was basically there whenever there was a translation done in the names from non-English to English.
You can utilize the fullName as it the mandatory filed in the screening process.
Hope this clarifies your query.
Thank you, that's clear.