Hi Team,
I am trying to update case details like Date of birth and
Country in World Check profile. I am using Update API call ‘SEQ-case-update:
Update a case’ of postman collection and WC1 pilot environment. With my first
request sent to WC1, existing case data like DOB and country gets blank out. if
I send same request again, data gets updated successfully in World check
profile. Looks like every alternate response gets expected output. Sample request
payload and two consecutive responses are given below. Can you please advise?
Request Sent:
"providerTypes": [
"name": "Kane Hanes",
"customFields": [
"secondaryFields": [
"value": "USA"
First response for above request:
"caseId": "4edb1836-8794-4481-89d6-6c115de98749",
"name": "Kane Hanes",
"providerTypes": [
"customFields": [
"typeId": "0a3687cf-673a-134c-99d5-bf33000005a4",
"value": "C9D8B8333C55CCC9",
"dateTimeValue": null
"secondaryFields": [],
"groupId": "0a3687d0-65b4-1cc3-99a1-e4250000229b",
"entityType": "INDIVIDUAL",
"caseSystemId": "0a3687cf-6cb9-1ed0-9b34-6e56001b10a9",
"caseScreeningState": "INITIAL",
"lifecycleState": "UNARCHIVED",
"creator": {
"userId": "xxxx",
"firstName": "Fistname",
"lastName": "Lastname",
"fullName": "Fistname Lastname",
"email": "Fistname.lastname@gmail.com",
"status": "ACTIVE",
"registrationKey": "dummy"
"modifier": {
"userId": "xxxx",
"firstName": "Fistname",
"lastName": "Lastname",
"fullName": "Fistname Lastname",
"email": "Fistname.lastname@gmail.com",
"status": "ACTIVE",
"registrationKey": "dummy"
"assignee": null,
"creationDate": "2019-08-27T06:18:01.314Z",
"modificationDate": "2019-08-28T06:08:05.298Z",
"outstandingActions": false
Second response for same request:
"caseId": "4edb1836-8794-4481-89d6-6c115de98749",
"name": "Kane
"dateTimeValue": null
"secondaryFields": [
"groupId": "0a3687d0-65b4-1cc3-99a1-e4250000229b",
"entityType": "INDIVIDUAL",
"creator": {
"userId": "xxxx",
"Fistname Lastname",
"email": "Fistname.lastname@gmail.com",
"status": "ACTIVE",
"modifier": {
"userId": "xxxx",
"Fistname Lastname",
"email": "Fistname.Lastname@gmail.com",
"status": "ACTIVE",
"assignee": null,