I have tried running the package/command through R studio But I keep runing into the same error
> install_github("ahmedmohamedali/eikonapir") > library(eikonapir) > data_frame = get_data(list("IBM", "GOOG.O", "MSFT.O"), list("TR.PriceClose", "TR.Volume", "TR.PriceLow"))
with the response
No encoding supplied: defaulting to UTF-8.
Error in print.default("HTTP Error, code= ", response$status_code, sep = "") :
invalid 'digits' argument
There is a proxy in my firm. In order to install package from GitHub, for example, I use
http_proxy ='http://username:password@serveradress:8080'
https_proxy ='http://username:password@serveradress:8080'