I am currently trying to grab a time series for 'VOLUME' and 'TIMESTAMP' for 25 RICs over 6 months using 'ek.send_json_request()'. However the moment I go over 20 RICs, The data returned begins to truncate. So if my 'start_date' is 2019-01-02 and my 'end_date' 2019-06-28' and I use beyond 20 RICs, data will incrementally start disappearing from the start_date. With 25 RICs, the start date effectively becomes '2019-02-01'
Here is my payload and the request I performed, less the RICs (left out for business purposely).
payload = {'startdate': '2019-01-02T00:00:00', 'enddate': '2019-06-28T00:00:00', 'fields': ['VOLUME', 'TIMESTAMP'], 'interval': 'daily', 'rics': [ ADD YOU OWN RICS HERE], 'corax': 'unadjusted'}
ek.send_json_request('TimeSeries', payload=payload, debug=False)
Refinitiv - Is this a known bug? There is nothing in your docs which highlight these data parameters