Some StoryId return the wrong story text via Eikon Data API.
Why is there a difference between News Monitor and Eikon Data API?
missing story text:
Hi @Tatsuya.Yamamoto
I submitted case no. 08364707 on your behalf.
The API call is correct however, UDF returns the story you are seeing.
I do not have access to the urn that you reported the problem.
However, I tried other urn and it works fine.
Note that somehow, your API returns year 2019 news story.
hi @chavalit-jintamalit
Other storyId is fine in this news query. Only two Story texts are wrong...
Me and my colleague do not have permission to this urn.
We both got 401 unauthorized.
What is your Eikon Data API version ?
Can I try to use your account to reproduce the issue ?
Eikon Data API version : 1.0.2
My eikon id :
password : xxxxxxx
please use my eikon id to reproduce.