Trying to get RFA Client Load Balancing working at a client without Warm Standby but it’s not working the way I expected. It is redirecting my mount, but it seems to point me to the ADS with the highest number of mounts. I was able to replicate the issue in my lab by running three instances of ADS on three different TCP ports. Here is the parameters that configure the Load Balancing on the ADS
*ads*enableConnectConfig: True
*ads*disableLocalRedirect : False
*ads*connectConfig* : labads|14002,labads|14012,labads|14022
*ads*connectConfig*ron.standby :
*ads*discoveryNetwork : eth1;|7100
*ads*logDiscoveryEvents : True
*ads*supportWarmStandby : False
I’m using StarterConsumer from RFAC++ 7.5.1.L1 with default settings. No matter which ADS I point the application to, it always picks the one with the most mounts.