One of clients wants to know how to set up(initial set up) and what is 'hostname'.
Guide which I saw,
tsetup adh -f /opt/thomsonreuters/SOFTWARE/makeup20190531/samples/trep33_cnf_sample
tconfig rmds_adh_rrcp
tconfig service_edge -s ERT_CLOUD
tconfig route_cloud
tconfig route_cloud -a -n trep01 -r route_aws
tconfig rssl_route -a -i route_aws -n trep01
tconfig server_edge -a -s ERT_CLOUD -i route_aws -n trep01
tconfig adh_rrcp -n trep01
or answer which I checked here,
- tsetup adh
- tconfig rmds_adh_rrcp
- tconfig adh_rrcp -n <hostname>
- tconfig service_edge -s IDN_RDF
- tconfig rssl_route -n <hostname> -i route_cloud1
- tconfig route_cloud -n <hostname> -r route_cloud1
- tconfig server_edge -s IDN_RDF -i route_cloud1 -n <hostname>
- tcommit
Which is right? and what should I input to <hostname>?