We want to get the information we can see in Eikon Web for filings. (see attached image with marked columns).
We want to get the list of filing and the date/name/language/url.
Any idea how can we do this with Eikon?
It looks like fields might be the following ones, but we would need to get the list first:
TR.NIDocCntrlType - Document Control Type - document type for the related document control number (dcn) of the prospectus/filing, based on Thomson Research; eg: 8-K, S-3 etc
TR.NIDocCntrlFilingId - Document Control Filing ID - document control filings perm ID for the related document control number (dcn) filings data
TR.NIDocCntrlNumber - Document Control Number (dcn) of the prospectus/filing
TR.LNDocumentControlNumber - Document Control Number (dcn) - Internal source ID for filings/prospectus
TR.NISourceLink - Source Link - http link source of document
TR.NISourceBeginDate - Source begin date - date of source document
Many thanks in advance!