I am trying to translate an Excel sheet into Python, but cannot get the same data out.
In Excel if I use the following formula I get the data below:
=RHistory("GBP2Y=","ASK.Close","START:22-Apr-2020:16:10 END:22-Apr-2020:16:20 INTERVAL:1M")
04/22/2020 16:2023.204/22/2020 16:1923.504/22/2020 16:1823.3604/22/2020 16:1723.704/22/2020 16:1623.104/22/2020 16:1523.1604/22/2020 16:1423.1604/22/2020 16:1323.104/22/2020 16:1231.804/22/2020 16:1126.2504/22/2020 16:1022.24
This matches what I see using the GUI:

If I try the comparable formula in Python:
ek.get_timeseries('GBP2Y=', 'ASK.Close', start_date='2020-04-22 16:10:00', end_date='2020-04-22 16:20:00', interval='minute')
I get all NaNs. Same if I try 'BID.Close' as the field.
If I change the Field to '*', i.e. all available fields, I get the following:

This doesn't match at all and doesn't contain bid/ask information.
Do you know how I can get the same data using Python?