Some of this has been touched upon in previous questions but I couldn't find an answer for this --
I am looking to build a hot-standby feed handler with the Elektron ETA in C++ between an A and B feeds where feed switching can happen without any dropped messages and without any delay for initiating or connecting to the other feed should one go down. As such, I'll run both feeds simultaneously but to combine them, I need to be able to uniquely identify each message. Unfortunately, to my knowledge, none of the parameters in the updates I receive can uniquely identify each message -- for example TRADE_ID only uniquely identifies the trade messages and SEQNUM isn't actually a sequence number because sequential updates can have the same SEQNUM.
Do you know of a method or parameter within ETA that permits uniquely identifying each update? or alternatively a way around this to be able to create a Hot-Standby handler as such?