Thank you for your query.
You can resolve the matches of a case using the API call - 'SEQ-case-investigate-resolve-results: Resolve results'.
This API call will link the resolved matches back to your World-Check One case with the resolution of your choice. You would need the case-system-id of the case for which you want to resolve the matches. After you have resolved the matches, you can fetch the use the API call - 'SEQ-case-investigate-results: Get screening results', to check the status of each match within a case.
For more information on resolution of matches and identifying the resolution status of a match, please refer to the following link - https://developers.refinitiv.com/customer-and-third-party-screening/world-check-one-api/quick-start?content=57985&type=quick_start
Section - World-Check One API Case Review and Resolution of Matches & World-Check One API Resolution status of a match
Hope this clarifies your concern.