We have been using direct URLs into Accelus Worldcheck one for specific cases, such as:
But have been asked to start using the following by our client (due to a change of authenication system).. can someone please confirm the path and query string format to use the achieve the equivalent deep link after the worldcheck.refinitiv.com at the end of:
Hi @dev78,
Thank you for your query.
Please use the below format to construct your URL - https://worldcheck.refinitiv.com/#accelus/fsp/%7B%22location%22%3A%22%3Flocale%3Den-US%23fsp%2Fcase%2F{ {SYSTEM_CASE_ID}}%2Fview%2Fworldcheck%22%7D
Please note : The base URL will be updated, the URL schema remains the same.
Hope this answers your query.