I'm encountering some problems while authenticating. The credentials have been given to me directly from the support, so they should be correct. Here is the problem:
Thanks in advance for the answers.
I got the same error when using an invalid credential.
get_data : Exception Occured(<class 'Exception'>, Exception('Invalid credentials were supplied. This part of the Datastream service requires a child ID (beginning with Z) or a Datastream Professional ID.'), <traceback object at 0x000001B582F3AC48>)NoneTraceback (most recent call last): File "c:\python37\lib\site-packages\DatastreamDSWS\DS_Response.py", line 156, in get_data raise Exception(self.tokenResp['Message'])Exception: Invalid credentials were supplied. This part of the Datastream service requires a child ID (beginning with Z) or a Datastream Professional ID.
You can test your credential by directly using the Datastream REST API website at http://product.datastream.com/DswsClient/Docs/TestRestV1.aspx.
If you get the same error, you need to contact the Datastream support team via MyRefinitiv to verify the credential.