AWS Migration Reminder: World-Check Infrastructure
Is there any impact to the Pilot environment urls ? If yes, please share the pilot domain changes and url details please.
Nothing yet for the pilot, it stays as it is until further notice, there is no definitive schedule yet for the pilot in AWS.
The new URL for PROD and API(eventually) would be api-worldcheck.refinitiv.com but again as stated earlier all the necessary details for connectivity testing would be communicated to you well in advance before the migration.
All the details and necessary requirements needed to perform testing to check the connectivity would be provided well in advance before the AWS migration.
@Mehran Khan - Thanks. Where we can get all the details for the pilot environment. Pilot also migrating to AWS ?
URL https://rms-world-check-one-api-pilot.thomsonreuters.com/v1/
What is the new URL after AWS migration. Which url we need to test. Thanks