I want to retrieve the analyst reccomendation data for a series of stock in a period of time. The code looks like the following:
a, b = ek.get_data('AAPL.O', ['TR.RecEstValue(SDate=1983-01-01, EDate=2021-01-09)',
'TR.RecEstValue(SDate=1983-01-01, EDate=2021-01-09).confirmdate',
'TR.RecEstValue(SDate=1983-01-01, EDate=2021-01-09).brokername',
'TR.RecEstValue(SDate=1983-01-01, EDate=2021-01-09).analystname'])
However, what I get is a huge time dataframe with hundreds of thousands of rows, most of which are simply duplicates. Indeed, dropping all the duplicates the dataframe reduces to few hundreds of rows.
How can I solve this problem?