I have a CSV file with the following data.
I have used the RDP library to retrieve the interday summary data.
First, I connect to the RDP by using the application key, user name, and password. Then I use the pd.read_csv function to read the CSV file. Next, I iterate to all items in the RIC column and call the rdp.HistoricalPricing.get_summaries function for each item.
import refinitiv.dataplatform as rdpimport pandas as pdimport timerdp.open_platform_session( "APP_KEY", rdp.GrantPassword( username = "username", password = "password" ))rics = pd.read_csv("ricsdata.csv")for item in rics["RIC"]: print(item) response = rdp.HistoricalPricing.get_summaries(item) print(response.data.df) time.sleep(1)
For more information, please refer to the following links:
1. Getting Started with Python
2. Python RDP Library examples
3. RDP API Docs Please search for historical-pricing.
I assume that you are using /data/historical-pricing/v1 on the Refinitiv Data Platform. If you are using different APIs, please let me know.
From my testing, the /data/historical-pricing/v1 endpoint returns "The universe is not found. " when using ISIN. Therefore, you may need to map ISIN to RIC before using /data/historical-pricing/v1. You can use other endpoints, such as /discovery/symbology/v1/lookup to map ISIN to RIC.
thank you. Anyway, can you post the python code with ten RICs in column 1 of "sheet1" in a file called ricdata.csv?
yes I use the refinitiv data platform. thanks
really helpful! thanks