I run a daily script downloading portfolio data and this morning I got multiple times with multiple different RICS the following error message from pyhton eikon api:
21-03-03 10:02:01,809] {bash_operator.py:157} INFO - get_timeseries( rics = ["EPHE.NB"]
[2021-03-03 10:02:01,809] {bash_operator.py:157} INFO - , interval= "daily"
[2021-03-03 10:02:01,809] {bash_operator.py:157} INFO - , interval= "tradingdays"
[2021-03-03 10:02:01,809] {bash_operator.py:157} INFO - , fields = ["TIMESTAMP","VOLUME","HIGH","LOW","OPEN","CLOSE"]
[2021-03-03 10:02:01,809] {bash_operator.py:157} INFO - , start_date = "2011-01-01T01:00:00"
[2021-03-03 10:02:01,809] {bash_operator.py:157} INFO - , end_date = "2021-03-03T01:00:00"
[2021-03-03 10:02:01,809] {bash_operator.py:157} INFO - , normalize = True
[2021-03-03 10:02:01,809] {bash_operator.py:157} INFO - )
[2021-03-03 10:02:20,889] {bash_operator.py:157} INFO - 2021-03-03 10:02:20,888 P[79800] [MainThread 115260] UDF Core request failed. Gateway Time-out
[2021-03-03 10:02:20,889] {bash_operator.py:157} INFO - 2021-03-03 10:02:20,888 P[79800] [MainThread 115260] HTTP request failed: EikonError-UDF Core request failed. Gateway Time-out