We have a contract including "Refinitiv Real-Time Managed Distribution-Pricing Streaming ERI FUT FRONT Office " we will connect in April-May
Since now we do not have real-time, please help with the questions of interest to us on the code.
1. RIC: ESH1m (Raw Legacy Market Depth) - does this code work for this RIC? what could be the problem? please help
2. What settings-parameters are needed to receive data in real time, as in the history on the screen? (screen Tick History Rest API)
View = TickHistoryMarketDepthViewOptions.LegacyLevel2,

3. record 1 minute of messages and which fields and feeds are coming. This information is very necessary. Please, help!!!!!!
code for real-time:
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
EmaString configFile;
if (argc == 2)
configFile = argv[1];
try {
AppClient client;
OmmConsumer consumer(OmmConsumerConfig(configFile).
UInt64 handle = consumer.registerClient( ReqMsg().domainType( MMT_MARKET_PRICE ).serviceName( "ELEKTRON_DD" ).name( "1UROH1m" ), client );
sleep( 60000 );
catch ( const OmmException& excp ) {
cout << excp << endl;
return 0;