Hi, I am using rdp.open_desktop_session in Python (IntelliJ Ultimate; rdp.version 1.0.0a7.post7) and running following :
baseString1 = "DerivedCategory eq 'BOND' and startswith( IssuerLegalName, 'CREDIT SUISSE' ) and OriginalIssueCurrency eq 'USD' and RIC ne null and ISIN ne null"
baseString2 = "DerivedCategory eq 'BOND' and startswith( CommonName, 'CREDIT SUISSE' ) and OriginalIssueCurrency eq 'USD' and RIC ne null and ISIN ne null"
srchfields = "RIC,ISIN, FullName, CommonName,CompanyName, SeniorityType,NativeIdentifier,DerivedCategory,OriginalIssueCurrency,ParentIndustrySector, CouponCurrency, CouponTypeDescription"
GroupSize = 5000
data1 = rdp.search(view=rdp.SearchViews.GovCorpInstruments, filter=baseString1, top=GroupSize, select=srchfields)
data2 = rdp.search(view=rdp.SearchViews.GovCorpInstruments, filter=baseString2, top=GroupSize, select=srchfields)
to get:
Empty DataFrame
Columns: []
Index: []
A) On top of that, I have a lot of Banks to loop over. What is the best strategy? Do I use the IssuerLegalName ?
Also, in Excel API, I could use the RIC or PermId of the Bank. What is the equivalent for PermId here? By the way, search using RIC does not seem to work.
basestringRIC = "DerivedCategory eq 'BOND' and RIC eq 'UBSG.S' and OriginalIssueCurrency eq 'USD' and ISIN ne null"
srchfields = "RIC,ISIN, FullName, CommonName,CompanyName, SeniorityType,NativeIdentifier,DerivedCategory,OriginalIssueCurrency,ParentIndustrySector, CouponCurrency, CouponTypeDescription"
GroupSize = 5000
dataUBS = rdp.search(view=rdp.SearchViews.GovCorpInstruments, filter=basestringRIC, top=GroupSize, select=srchfields)
This returns:
Empty DataFrame
Columns: []
Index: []
this returns nothing in my case (It is being taken care of on a separate thread).
df = rdp.get_search_metadata(view = rdp.SearchViews.GovCorpInstruments)