Hi all!
I'm trying to pull some GDP time series data (RIC: aIDCGDPPD/A) in R using the eikonapir package. However, my request is returning null values (see below). I have a feeling this is because something in my request is incorrect, but I can't figure out what. Can
The 'ECONOMIC.Timestamp' and 'ECONOMIC.Value' fields are taken from my search in the Excel formula builder. Can anyone tell me whats wrong?
> GDPqq <- eikonapir::get_timeseries("aIDCGDPPD/A",
start_date='2020-01-02T15:04:05-07:00', # start date
end_date='2022-06-06T15:04:05-07:00', # end date
fields=list('ECONOMIC.Timestamp', 'ECONOMIC.Value'),
interval = "quarterly",
debug = T)
[1] "Request *************************************"
[1] "Response *************************************"
[1] "{\"timeseriesData\":[{\"dataPoints\":[[null,null],[null,null],[null,null],[null,null],[null,null]],\"fields\":[{\"name\":\"ECONOMIC.Timestamp\",\"type\":\"\\u003cnil\\u003e\"},{\"name\":\"ECONOMIC.Value\",\"type\":\"\\u003cnil\\u003e\"}],\"ric\":\"aIDCGDPPD/A\",\"statusCode\":\"Normal\"}]}"
[1] "Response status *************************************"
[1] 200