I am trying to understand some of the news codes in the response. Where can I get more information?
Hello @neri.wong01,
In addition to the answers provided by @wasin.w, please also refer to Machine Readable News - News codes on My Refinitiv.
Can you provide a bit more context here? Which API and a sample response you are referring to?
Hello @neri.wong01
If you are using RDP APIs, there is the News API User and Design Guide document on the API document download page. Did you check it yet?
Client is using RDP API.
Below is a sample response. What does the code highlighted in yellow means? And do you have a list of those codes?
"data": [
"storyId": "urn:newsml:reuters.com:20210625:nPDT59D3E9:1",
"newsItem": {
"_version": 1,
"contentMeta": {
"audience": [
"_qcode": "NP:PLYU"
"creator": [
"_qcode": "NS:PUDT",
"_role": "sRole:source"
"infoSource": [
"_role": "sRole:origProv"
"language": [
"_tag": "en"
"subject": [
"_qcode": "M:2CS"
"_qcode": "U:C"
"_qcode": "M:1ZX"
"_qcode": "M:1QD"
"_qcode": "M:2CX"
"_qcode": "A:4"
"_qcode": "U:77"
"_qcode": "M:1ZT"
"urgency": {
"$": 3
"itemMeta": {
"firstCreated": {
"$": "2021-06-25T11:30:28.738Z"
"versionCreated": {
"title": [
"$": "EDC and VCM prices quote stable in the USA"
Highlighted is "_qcode": "U:C"
Hi @neri.wong01
the customer can download the News Codes from My.Refinitv - Machine Readable News - News codes
The above contains a spreadsheet with coded e.g.:
Energy MarketsProduction and consumption of physical energy products, including coal, gas, oil, power, renewable energy and emissions; market reports on and pricing of these commodities and their derivative instruments.CommodityA:4
@umer.nalla and @zoya faberov ,
Thank you for the help.